How To Stop Cooking Smells From Going Upstairs
- #1
My neighbors kitchen is below my bedroom and he gets home late and starts cooking and it smells!! It almost smells like he uses the same pan without cleaning it....and sometimes it smells like liver and onions which i cant stand the smell of one time i asked if he ever cooks it and he said no, so God only knows what it is!!! I cant say anything because honeslty what could i say ? dont cook at night?? lol anyone have any tips!!?? Help its waking me up at night!!!!!!!!!!!!
<font color=purple>Dum..dum...dum...we are in the
- #2
Close your windows maybe? Or are you in an apartment and you can smell these through the vents? Did you try closing the vents before you go to sleep? Blech..that sounds awful what you are going through!
<font color=darkorchid>Sweet Chicken, that is one
- #6
That's apartment [or condo] life. There were some people who cooked what I can only guess was a rancid, poo-covered pork butt at least twice a week when DH & I were in our first apartment. We used Plug-ins, spray and a fan, but you could still smell the stench. Good luck finding a solution!
- #8
rancid, poo-covered pork butt
Oh MY God....
When I was a kid...there was a 2 family house across the street. The upstairs neighbors would set up a Hibachi in the inside hallway and grill corn on the cob over an open flame until BLACK! Then invite the downstairs neighbors(my friends) to eat with them! "Ummm no thanks we ate..." my friends mom would say.....
I hope you find a soultion to your problem. Maybe your neighbor can help you come to a solution...
DIS Cast Member<br><font color=green>When did vacu
- #11
We had that happen in a townhome we rented. The woman upstairs was from India and for what ever reason cooked at 3 AM, curry and whatever else. It was HORRIBLE. There really isn't anything you can do. Our situation was temporary so we just lived with it but had it been more permanent we probably would have moved.
<font color=green>I am not a Koala Bear at the zoo
- #12
We had that problem in the flat we used to live in. We had a guy upstairs from us who worked all hours, so he cooked in the middle of the night too.
AND he was not the cleanliest housekeeper, so his flat didn't smell too yummy either. We had a back stairway that connected the 2nd floor, 1st floor, and basement. We tried to keep our apartment smelling nice, but whenever we would go out that back stairway to the basement, the smell was always just stale and gross...I feel for you OP, and I'm glad I don't have to deal with that anymore.
- #13
ok if i smell curry at 2 am im out of here!!!
- #15
I was just going to suggest that move closer to your favorite Aunt
- #16
Well, what have you tried to do to avoid smelling his cooking?
- #17
I put those magnets over the vents I put to for extra force lol I didnt smell it last night but i dont know if he cooked so I cant say right now if it worked yet, But i will definitly let you know thanks for the tips so far!!
How To Stop Cooking Smells From Going Upstairs
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