Best Cooking Channels On Youtube
It was hard to pick the 30 best cooking channels on YouTube. There are are so many options and many of them are awesome!
If you're like me and you want to be a better cook then you'll want to learn from the best whenever you can. I have a kitchen full of excellent recipe books that help me with this but, I have a confession to make, more and more often I am turning to YouTube for my inspiration.
Why YouTube? Well, not only are many of the best chefs in the world running YouTube channels now but you can also see how every step of a recipe is carried out. There's no guesswork involved as there might be when following instructions in a book.
So, I thought I'd help you out by putting together a list of the people who I think are the best chefs on YouTube today.
Please note: this is no particular order – I'm not singling out any chef on this list as better than any other.

Food Wishes Is One Of The Best Cooking Channels On YouTube
The Food Wishes channel is one of the most comprehensive and popular on YouTube. A fried cheese and egg recipe from two days ago already has over 100,000 views! That's because chef John and his team are awesome. Everything not only tastes great but it looks awesome too.
There are no overly fancy recipes to be found either. This is stuff that everyone can and should make at home. Food Wishes rocks.
Cooking With Dog
This channel began as a moment of curiosity. A Japanese chef made the dishes while his pet poodle, Francis, narrated the recipes. Francis passed away in 2016 (though many of her videos are still there to be watched) and she has been replaced with a photograph.
The good news is that with or without Francis this food is amazing! If you're feeling adventurous don't miss out on Cooking With Dog.
Kitchen Conundrums With Thomas Joseph
You just know that Martha Stewart's Living Culinary Director is going to offer up a great channel and Kitchen Conundrums with Thomas Joseph doesn't disappoint. There's plenty of adventure in this kitchen and yet, despite that Thomas always keeps everything so clean. You're going to love his recipes, I know that I do.
Binging With Babish
Need a little fun with your dinner? Then Binging with Babish is probably a must for your family mealtimes. Babish doesn't just cook food that makes your mouth water, he creates recipes (or recreates them) from classic TV shows and movies.
So, every dish has a little bit of on-screen history to add even more flavor to the offerings. It's worth noting that there are quite a few "treat" options here, so try not to eat with Babish every day for the sake of your waistline.
Matty Matheson's Munchies
Not everyone wants their chefs to be clean cut and "professional catering". Some want a bit of rock and roll in their lives and Matty Matheson's the man to deliver it. This is cooking punk rock style and you should be aware that his language is often "choice" to say the least.
However, he is one of the best in the world at what he does, and the Canadian TV star's YouTube channel has some amazing recipes. Check Matty Matheson's Munchies out but when the kids are not around. There are plenty of guest stars to keep things interesting too like Bao Bao below:
High Carb Hanna
If you thought my list was going to be all high-calorie indulgence, think again. A woman cannot live on cheese and meat alone and you need to find yourself some fruit, vegetables and all around goodness most days.
High Carb Hannah has some great recipes (though you should probably take her health advice with a pinch of salt, she's clearly no scientist) and they're all really good for you as part of a balanced diet. Yum, yum.
Cupcake Jemma
Jemma could be the best baker on YouTube and I love baking. My family is always excited when Jemma's channel is on because they know that there's going to be a bunch of sweet treats in the offing.
Her English accent is very crisp and adds a little extra value to watching her videos. Check out CupcakeJemma, even if you don't make anything, the food is gorgeous to look at.
Donal Skehan Is One Of The Best Cooking Channels On YouTube
The Irish ought not to be left out as they're the masters of comforting home cooking and Donal Skehan's probably the most prolific Irish chef there is. His food is always a clever blend of obvious ingredients that turn into exciting kid-friendly dishes.
I am a massive fan of his one pan chicken biryani (which you can check out below), it's just so good and so easy to make!
I am not sure why FitMenCook's been without an update for so long but it's still one of the best healthy eating channels there is. Maybe they're just taking a break because 400,000+ subscribers just can't be wrong.
This is the kind of good that we should all be eating more of but don't seem to get around to. I think you'll be impressed by their budget-friendly ideas. I know that I was.
The Victorian Way
OK, this one's more for the watching than the doing most of the time. The Victorian Way is made by the English Heritage group which looks after all of England's historic buildings and tourism related to that heritage.
So, they made a channel about how people would have cooked back in Victorian times and it's awesome and if you do decide to make some of the stuff – it's also delicious. Check it out ?
Laura In The Kitchen
Laura's a big hitter when it comes to YouTube, more than 3 million people follow her recipes online and that's because she has a ton of fun making awesome dishes.
Laura Vitale was also previously a Cooking Channel star and that can't hurt your viewer count, either.
She delivers in style though. With more than 1,000 recipes this Italian chef, with no formal training, constantly serves up super surprises that truly dance on your tongue. Laura In The Kitchen is worthy of the attention it gets.
The Dumpling Sisters
They'd probably get more attention if they weren't also part of Jamie Oliver's channel but The Dumpling Sisters are a pair of Chinese-Kiwi (Chiwi) friends who share their love for Chinese food.
I can't really understand why they're not huge, their recipes are great, and the girls are clearly having plenty of fun while they work together. However, it does mean that you can wow your guests with Chinese recipes they've not encountered yet.
My Drunk Kitchen (And Just For Food!)
Hannah Hart has two channels wrapped up in one and the one you're looking for is "My Drunk Kitchen" and you'll need to pick out the recipes among the rambling. However, Just For Food! Is an entertaining channel too and I enjoy relaxing to Hannah's rambling at times.
Don't expect great presentation though, Hannah's food is all designed to be made and eaten while you're having a few drinks with friends. Don't let that put you off, it's surprisingly tasty.
Carly Rowena
Carly Rowena's channel is a bit of a healthy lifestyle channel rather than a dedicated cooking show but that's OK, in amongst all the exercise tips and blather about her wardrobe; there's a lot of great healthy recipes.
I also like the fact that many of them are low cost because when you're feeding a family, sadly, you can't always be serving up fresh salmon and avocado (which is a shame because if I could, I probably would).
The Lean Machines
John and Leon are all about the protein. That's because as bodybuilders they are always trying to pack on muscle and keep away the fat. Now, if you want to live like that – that's cool but many of us prefer a slightly more balanced eating regimen.
So, dip in and out of The Lean Machines' channel's recipes as opposed to making it the cornerstone of your cookery and you'll enjoy their meals without finding yourself suffering from Atkins' Diet fatigue.
Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver is one of Britain's best-known chefs. He's been on American TV and global TV and his YouTube channel has nearly 4 million subscribers. You'll either love the cheeky cockney appeal or find it drives you up the wall (as it does with my friend Petunia who just can't listen to Jamie).
Yet, there's no doubting Jamie's talent and his food is considered to be among the best in the world. You'll find there's something for everyone on his channel and most of it is reasonably priced and easy to get ingredients for.
Rachael Ray Show
She's one of America's favorite chefs and her YouTube channel has nearly 250,000 followers so Rachel Ray must be doing something right. I find her approach to food a little clinical at times and my kitchen never looks as sparkling clean as Rachael's and yes, I am a little jealous of that but you can't deny her talent.
The Rachael Ray Show is very watchable and there's a ton of interesting ideas not just for your kitchen but for your whole lifestyle!
Manjula's Kitchen
Who doesn't need an Indian mom? Manjula's Kitchen means that we can all have an Indian Mom of our own and while I do occasionally struggle with her accent; her food is out of this world and it all feels so wholesome.
It's also worth noting that Manjula's food relies on vegetarian/vegan recipes in the main and that means it's a very healthy eating option. Check it out, and learn more about Indian food than you could ever believe possible!
You Suck At Cooking
This is my idea of a lot of fun! This is a YouTube channel for everyone who is a little nervous that they're too clumsy to cook. You Suck at Cooking is cooking with a little insanity thrown in and it's awesome for it.
If you follow their recipes, you'll quickly gain the confidence to tackle more adventurous meals. The production values might be a little questionable at times, but the channel delivers on its aims. Everyone should spend time on You Suck at Cooking.
Byron Talbott
One of America's finest, Byron Talbott hails from New Mexico and has spent a lot of time in the company of the esteemed Gordon Ramsay. You're going to want to make everything that you see on Byron's channel, it's all so delicious.
There's a wide range of interesting and varied recipes here and if you don't want to make at least one thing immediately after just browsing the list, you're not hungry at all. Oh, my life! Give me more Byron, I just can't get enough!
Gordon Ramsay
You can't make a list of great chef's YouTube channels and not include Gordon Ramsay. You may not like his foul mouth but Gordon Ramsay is, possibly, the world's best-known chef. He used to play soccer but then he turned his talents to cooking and the world has never been the same.
I've had the pleasure of eating in one of Gordon's restaurants in Dubai and the food was spectacular and his channel shows you how to create a similar experience at home but without the silver service. Yum, yum.
America's Test Kitchen
It would be hard for me not to mention America's Test Kitchen, wouldn't it? This is the one channel on YouTube that spends as much time looking at the equipment that we use in the kitchen as it does at the food that we make.
Here on Kitchen Authority, we bring you regular reviews of kitchen equipment and the chance to win it. If you want to learn how to use those items, you can do worse than America's Test Kitchen. Much worse.
ChefSteps is a problem-solving channel for chefs and an experimental kitchen! You can't go wrong with their practical and intelligent approach to the way food works and it's important to note – the results are brilliant!
I could watch ChefSteps all day, every day, if it wasn't for the fact that I have to do things for Prizewise and Kitchen Authority. I think you'll find it compelling too. Enjoy!
Peaceful Cuisine
Think cooking combined with Zen and you have Peaceful Cuisine. This is all about the experience of making food as much as it is about eating it. Having said that, I have never, ever had a bad meal based on the recipes presented on this awesome channel.
If your life is full of stress and you want your kitchen to be your perfect chill out zone – you need Peaceful Cuisine. Even if it's not, you're going to fall in love with this channel.
Serious Eats
This channel is Kenji Lopez's second channel and it's every bit as good as his first, which we'll come to in just a minute, SeriousEats is all about getting to grips with the cookery basics that allow us all to become creative talents in the kitchen.
You're going to learn not just how to cook but also the chemistry that enables the best outcomes in your kitchen (without using any chemicals – don't worry, this isn't mad professor time).
Kenji-Lopez's Channel
This is Kenji Lopez's main channel and it's even better than SeriousEats and it has a slightly more relaxed approach to cooking than that channel. However, he's not a different man and there are definitely more "food facts" in these videos than in most chef's YouTube channels.
I really like this food because it's straightforward and no-nonsense whilst still bringing fresh ideas to traditional recipes. I know whatever I make from this channel, my kids and husband are going to love it.
Sweet Potato Soul
Sweet Potato Soul is a vegan recipe channel, so if you're a committed carnivore, run for the hills now but for the rest of us – you don't have to be a vegan in order to add some vegan food to your life and some of it is incredibly tasty!
My kids aren't huge fans of vegan food but my husband is slowly being won over. I doubt that we'll ever make this kind of food daily but it is becoming a much more regular feature of our eating life.
Bon Appétit Magazine's Channel
Yes, Bon Appétit sounds posh and fancy and fuddy-duddy. No, it's not actually like that on YouTube. In fact, Bon Appétit's channel is very straightforward and the food is simple and nutritious fare that all of us can enjoy.
The magazine has been around for 60 years and that means they bring all their knowledge to the table and to the channel. It's awesome.
I'll confess that I don't much like Buzzfeed's journalism, but I still have a soft spot for their cooking channel Tasty. It has over 7 million subscribers and it would be remiss of me not to include it in my top chefs on YouTube list.
There's a nearly endless amount of ideas on this channel and the food is enjoyed by millions. Moms will really appreciate their family-friendly focus too. Unfortunately, they won't let you embed very many of their videos so this Mac & Cheese Burger wasn't my first choice of recipe, but it is good, all the same.
Food Network
Last, but by no means least is the Food Network's YouTube channel. It's for sure one of the best cooking channels on YouTube, if not THE best. Sure, it's "cheating" because you can watch these on TV but to be fair, on YouTube you can watch what you want on demand at any time. So, that's better than a TV show.
You will never want for inspiration with the Food Network and when you combine their ideas with the other 29 picks on my list. You should never go hungry or be bored in your kitchen again!
So, what do you think?
Have I caught all of YouTube's best cooking channels on Youtube? Or are there others that I missed?
Let me know in the comments below and if you think there's somebody I should feature – say so!
I will update this list if you can convince me that I should.
Best Cooking Channels On Youtube
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